(English) Berlan Allee Opening Party- 22/September/12
BERLAN ALLEE weekly radioshow hosted by Pharaz Azimi & Iman Deeper in Ineed Radio at Funkhaus Grünau at Saturday 22th September celebrates the first episode of BERLAN ALLEE in Funkhaus while all the show is being broadcasted ON LINE. at…
11.-12.4. MadMapping Workshop @ Panke
fRED and Ilan will be conducting a video mapping workshop at Panke, from April 11th through the 12th, 2012. This two day workshop will focus on preparing content for mapping and mapping the content to physical surfaces. The workshop will conclude with the participants…
20. – 22.4. Avant Garde Film Workshop
Avant Garde FilmWorkshop with Paul Prendergast A three day workshop as an introduction to, historical analysis of and detailed exploration of Avant Garde Film Production, focusing on the films, filmmakers and film movements that have defined Avant Garde film production…
Lette Akademie: After Effects Grundkurs
Dieser Einsteiger-Kurs vermittelt einen fundierten Einblick in den Aufbau und die Funktionsweise der Software. Die Teilnehmer lernen die Grundtechniken der Animation, sowie Methoden, diese rasch in kreatives, anspruchsvolles und professionelles Motion Design umzusetzen. Die verschiedenen Bereiche der Videoproduktion, wie Motion…
Introduction to Processing Workshop(s)
Jesse Scott of GRL, who will do a talk at our SCOPE Session this thursday presents two days of Processing workshops tomorrow and wednesday! Part 1 : Everything you always wanted to know about Processing but were afraid to ask…
share.hub – virtual VJ meetup
TODAY, OCT 28, 21:00 virtually connecting * SHARE:KRAKÓW (join us at Fabryka Klub, Zabłocie 23, Kraków, PL) http://www.myspace.com/sharekrakow * VisualBerlin Meeting (join us at Atelier Überall, Oppelner Str. 12, Berlin, DE) http://www.visualberlin.org/ * Flimmerkiste, Mannheim (join us at Kaprow Bar,…
14.11. Remote Control workshop
(thanks lucy)
artuino: the arduino workshop
thanks to Ray-V for pointing to this event: http://www.tinkersoup.de/workshop/ Where: ÏMA Design Village, Ritterstrasse 12-14, 10969 Berlin / map When: 10.00am – 5:00pm, 20th – 21 of June 2009 Fees: The workshop is free! Artuino is proud to announce our…
Ein Workshop ist ein Workshop.
Vielleicht doch eher ein Spielplatz. Gerade flug die Nachricht durch das Netz das es einen neuen Release der Videoprojection Tools gibt. Die Software läuft in OS X und Windows und soll so alle möglichen Mapping Geschichten sehr einfach machen. In…
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