Introduction to Processing Workshop(s)

Jesse Scott of GRL, who will do a talk at our SCOPE Session this thursday presents two days of Processing workshops tomorrow and wednesday!

Part 1 : Everything you always wanted to know about Processing but were afraid to ask | Tue Sep 13th

Prerequisite: No previous programming experience required, just an open mind and an idea of how you would like to use Processing in your work.

The beginning half of this workshop will start in a traditional talk format, and explain the basics of type-based programming, and things like variables, datatypes, methods, and functions.

The remaining half will be conducted in a open format, with questions, discussion, and hands-on coding in discovering methods and techniques.

Part 2 : Applied Learning and Problem Solving with Processing | Wed Sep 14th

Prerequisite: Part 1 of this workshop, a previous workshop from me, or previous experience with Processing

During the first half of this workshop, participants will use hands-on techniques in order to complete exercises designed to give them experience in problem solving using Processing.

For the second half of the workshop, Jesse will help participants design a custom program featuring one or more modes of interaction.

more info: