(English) Berlan Allee Opening Party- 22/September/12
BERLAN ALLEE weekly radioshow hosted by Pharaz Azimi & Iman Deeper in Ineed Radio at Funkhaus Grünau at Saturday 22th September celebrates the first episode of BERLAN ALLEE in Funkhaus while all the show is being broadcasted ON LINE. at…
Kseniya Simonova's Sand Visuals
Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine’s TV talent show. She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and „sand painting“ skills to interpret Germany’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII. Brilliant! (thanks to Christoph)
6.1. – Vortrag: Marta Bala Visuals
Live-Visuals und interaktive Installationen Eine neue Form von Multimedia Vom Funken einer Idee über die Visualisierung hin zur Realisierung, der Kreativität seien keine Grenzen gesetzt! Als Freiberufler mit abgeschlossenem Studium an der Kunstakademie Maastricht arbeitet Marta Bala seit 3 Jahren…
Drink Team Mix Vol. 1
cut-up of the first vj jam of ser & flux on july 11th 2009 at elektrotribe vdmx vs. isadora vs. puredata music: live recorded laptop DJ set of Moog Conspiracy (elektrotribe)
curly code preview
at yesterday’s share event, pixel noizz presented his standalone curly code pre application. with a graphic tablet and a midi controller freehand illustrations and patterns can be created in real-time in 3d space. unlike generative visual patterns, curly code is…
artuino: the arduino workshop
thanks to Ray-V for pointing to this event: http://www.tinkersoup.de/workshop/ Where: ÏMA Design Village, Ritterstrasse 12-14, 10969 Berlin / map When: 10.00am – 5:00pm, 20th – 21 of June 2009 Fees: The workshop is free! Artuino is proud to announce our…
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