Cubes d'ombres : video live and dance



Live video installation and performance 

Aude Francois (video) 

Jonathan Pons (musicien) 

Lucile Trouttet (dance) 

Céline Pelé (costumes) 

Duration : 30 minutes 

This video performance is structured on two visual worlds which mix video, dance, shadow show, scenography, objects’handling, mix and live video. The first scenario shows the dancer dressed with a lace costume in a red atmosphere. As she is manupulating objects which are linked to her hands, the video broadcasts her shadow and some images showing a japanese-inspired dreamlike frame. 

The second scenario shows the dancer dressed with a tulle costume in a blue atmosphere. Reflections sets of plastic composites play with their own twinkilng. The dancer strolls and manipulates everyday objects. She plays with her own reflection in a malleable scenography through a dreamilke and evolutionary narrative frame. 


Pictures of the installation:


The HOMEMADE collective lies within a interdisciplinary and collaborative approach. It’s organized around artistic performances which contributors and ways of game evolve following time and space of action. Performers’ body movements and tools they use are intentionally visible. They are part of the performance which makes the audience commit into the creative process.