dcodd mobil tag video playlist

with one of my collective microtruc, we explore new media and mobile technologies possiblities, so we’ve created in paris a localized video playlist, that links 2D codes to video via mobile, so 12 places in paris have tag painted on the ground that you can decode via your mobile and it sends you back a video, using a mobil tag  application: first of all you need a mobile with internet and camera, before you have upload a little software, and then when you are walking in the streets and you see the tag on the ground, you take a picture of it and it sends you back a video.

every two month the playlist changes, we propose different artists to experiment the project…

it might seem a little complicated…but if you go to see the links it might be clearer…

so here is the link of the project:


how the codes look:


and the one of our collective

