Weihnachtsfeier 2010
join us at our christmas party next wednesday at Tacheles. With live opium rock-band „Run Venezuela“ playing at 20:00 and then Synergetic Kommunication with YAYA (Cyberrise & friends), VJ Cyper and other VisualBerlin veejays, food buffet for our members, and more…
applied synergetic kommunication :
As “ ludus naturae “ teaches us
all sensual perception comes in form of waves.
by being a repetition in time we obtain
frequencies in the audible and visual range.
by experimenting with synergetic communication-
communication of the senses- we aim to open channels
between the different human senses
and wander through the doors of perception.
used triggers:
full range elektronix and moving pictures
livestream at http://berlin.live23.org
kommick! mit rechna!