Duct Robot UFO Mapping


betahaus asked me to do some visuals for their atoms&bits party. when i went there before to check out the location, i saw this great piece of duct-tape graffiti art by organ aka. normboy on the wall of their large room where the party was planned to take place. i instantly knew that this piece *had to* be transformed into a mapping. after some tech and logistic annoyances during the final set-up and no way to adjust the projector keystone, it eventually worked quite well and i got a lot of positive feedback from the audience.


the front room was illuminated by a slide projection of hilmikillme’s work and some tv monitors looping selected video works of auderoseselavy, raquel meyers, lucy benson, decrepticon and pixelnoizz. VisualBerlin reprazent!


(photos by betahaus, keinemusik, video by sebaso)