LPM – Live Performers Meeting in Rom 2013 – Application Deadline extended
Not sure you people are aware that as all our networking activities got pushed a bit forward, there is this new AVnode ( http://avnode.org ), that made LPM Live Performers Meeting in Rome partner of Visual Berlin. Of cause, there…
°AEONIO audiovisuelle Live Performance, Di 26.02., 21Uhr
°AEONIO°, 26.02., 21 Uhr Theaterkapelle Friedrichshain Boxhagener Straße 99, 10245 Berlin „An experimental performance about how the body integrates into an audiovisual environment. A journey through morphing landscapes and imaginary organisms, stimulating the audience to continuously perceive new associations (…)“…
SCOPE session #15 – Do, 13. September inne Panke
Welcome to our 15th SCOPE session. Please remember our new location! All Infos on scopesessions.org 20.00h – Mark Coniglio ( troika ranch) – „The Past and Future of Technology & Performance“ Mark Coniglio is an award-winning artist, acknowledged pioneer of…
scope sessions's new venue party // we gonna marry in wedding
Pulling out all the stops to make this the most fun and artistically inspiring event this summer, we have organised a cutting edge selection of audio visual performers, VJ’s, interactive & video installations, and of course music to delight you…
Summary Weekend Highlightzzz!!!
Heho! Just a short reminder to our visual community related events this weekend [11&&12th]. See you out there! *** :: SPECULUM. „Tanztheater. Eine Trilogie über die Inszenierung von Körper und Selbst im Barock und heute.“ Seit Donnerstag nur noch Karten…
Documentation Release #5: Sinsynplus (DE)
Visual hardrock since 2001.. Sinsynplus starts vjing and visual arts back in 2001, working with slide projectors and videodecks. Always evolving in hardware and software he is nowadays working completely digital, exploring new techniques and devices like integrating iphone, wiimote…
Projekt Zukunft: Visual Berlin auf berlin.de
Positiver Überraschungseffekt von offizieller Seite: unser Verein ist auf der Internet-Präsenz „… der landesweite[n] Senatsinitiative für den Strukturwandel Berlins zur Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft…“ vertreten. Sicher nicht seit gestern, denn die Kooperation mit dem bildungsmarkt e.V. / kubu im Jahr 2008…
Documentation Release #4: NoteNdo (US)
Another glitch story to tell::: == NoteNdo == Starting in 2001, he created his own hardware mods on his old NES and 16bit SEGA Genesis/Master Systems using primary just machine logic. But have a look on your own, we recommend……
Documentation Release #3 :NÄ: ,France
After superb reviews on EXLEXs convincing live AV performance and the even smart approach to RAN ANCORs artist vibes, here comes the documentation video no. 3: :NÄ: Well, actually :NÄ: belongs to the artists that were little blamed by visualberlin…
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